Fall Sweater Guide | LMents of Style | Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

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Fall Sweater Guide

Fall Sweater Guide

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Photos by Hannah Banana Photography

We have officially been in fall for over 24 hours now! If only the weather knew that;) Regardless, I'll try and throw a lightweight sweater in here and there, but maybe with a pair of shorts, since I'm in Texas. It's actually one of my favorite outfit combos this time of year!

I know if feels wear to even be sweater shopping, but now is when you get the fresh picks and they aren't missing your size! I'm extra excited for sweater season this year, because I just cleaned out my closet and noooo I don't mean because I freed up extra space for me! My closet looks the best it has probably since I moved into this apartment! Nick has been bugging me to give him more room and as of last weekend, I did! I actually moved all our sweaters (he is sweater obsessed) into sweater boxes! Soooo they're not sweater boxes exactly...they are boxes I used my sophomore year of college as under the bed storage, from IKEA. But actual sweater boxes exist!

As I was cleaning out my closet and organizing my sweaters, I was thinking about the sweaters every girl should have in her closet...your basic sweater that will be wearable for years as long as you take care of it, your trendy sweater that will likely only be in a season or two, and your oversized sweater that can be either basic or trendy (think of the one you reach for when you want to be the comfiest!)

So, here's a round-up of the best ones I've seen out there! I divided them by category, just click on the image and you'll be taken to the direct link! If it won't let you click, just refresh the page and they should load and be clickable. You should notice a few from previous posts of mine;)

BASIC - wear these alone or layer them with scarves or vests! These don't have to be,  but are typically your lightweight sweaters.

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TRENDY - don't spend too much on these, as the trends will come and go, The top left one you have definitely seen me wear and is a HUGE trend this season. Split backs are totally in this fall.

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OVERSIZED - Slouchy is always my fave! They keep you warm and hide your food baby.

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So what are your go to sweaters? I love a good cashmere one, but those aren't always in my budget;) When you find a sweater you love, don't forget to consider:

-wearability (how long will you wear it)

-versatility (how much will it go with)

-cost per wear (basically price, if you want to learn more about CPW here)

Happy Shopping! I'm going to go finish my my breakfast now - hope you're enjoying something yummy, like me! #waffles

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