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I Quit Allergy Meds

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I am not a doctor. Consult with your physician before making major changes in your life.

On September 19, 2019 (a little over a year ago!), I stopped taking Zyrtec (an antihistamine). That sounds dramatic, but I took it everyday for basically 10 years and decided to stop cold turkey. I don’t know it was - maybe because I stopped taking birth control after 9 years and wanted to cleanse my system from this too? Nothing against Zyrtec! Honestly I would take it again as needed, just didn’t want to take something super long and have my body grow immune to it.

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Growing up I got a sinus infections a lot. I actually wrote about preventing sinus infections here. Every year during the fall I would contract one and it would typically line up with All Region Choir auditions. I would lose my voice along with my ability to sing. I felt so helpless. I knew that it was coming each year, but did not know how to stop it. Eventually I started taking Zyrtec and was able to make the All Region All Girls choir. So while I’m super thankful for Zyrtec, I didn’t want my body relying on it. One thing that also helped significantly was the Neti Pot! That was the first “woo woo” thing I ever really tried and honestly it works SO WELL. It helped me so much. Not only did it relieve symptoms of sinus infections, but helps prevent them in my opinion, as the gunk doesn’t stay there and get infected. Nope. I am not a doctor. Be sure to chat with your doctor before making changes to your life.

Over the years I have learned more and more ways to help my body combat seasonal allergies. In fact I haven’t had a sinus infection since 2015! * finds wood to knock on * I try to listen to my body and do homeopathic things, but just know that I’m pro both Eastern and Western medicine. I’m actually currently on medication for my ulcerative colitis. Just wanted to mention that, as I know some people think that treating “food as medicine” or anything along those lines are people who hate doctors, etc. The way I see it is that if I can do preventative things, why not?!

That being said, I wanted to share some tips and tricks that have helped me manage my allergies AND be off of over the counter antihistamines. Before I get into those, I did want to preface this with the fact that I did move from Dallas to LA and LA has significantly less cedar; however, 2015 - most of 2019 were in Texas and I didn’t get a sinus infection, so yeah!! Let’s get to my allergy tips.


  • Neti Pot. Get yourself one! I do mine about once a month and on an as needed basis, but my mom does hers every day. Find what works for you!

  • Ginger Tea. I lOVE GINGER. Read about the benefits here. Most of the time I like to boil fresh ginger in water on the stove, but if I’m in a hurry, I really like the Pique Ginger Digestion Elixir. A ginger / lemon / cayenne juice shot is always a good idea too. I make or buy these when I feel something coming on and it helps open up my sinuses.

  • Ginger / Turmeric Tincture. I have taken a turmeric supplement for a while now - read why here. My favorite and the one that I currently take is a liquid that I put under my tongue every morning. Try it for yourself for 15% off with discount code ELLE15.

  • Lemon / Lime Water. Every morning I drink warm water with a lemon and lime wedge squeezed and dropped in. Lemons aid in digestion and detoxification, help you feel fuller longer, due to Pectin, get you the Vitamin C that you need, boosts your energy and mood. Limes are similar and supposed to be great for acne and skin health!

  • Apple Cider Vinegar. I know that some people are skeptical about ACV, but I have seen benefits in my life in regard to bloating, regularity, and sinus infection prevention. I wrote about the benefits and my favorite uses for ACV here. If you don’t like the taste, I really like these gummies. I always travel with them!

  • Elderberry. I have this on hand year-round, but I take it more regularly in the fall months. I really like the liquid, but it comes in pill and gummy forms too. I wrote about the benefits of Elderberry here.

  • Garlic. Garlic is not only tasty, but also great for your immune system! Try to throw fresh garlic in your food when you can. You can eat it raw, but I have been trying to cook my veggies to aid with digestion.

  • Zinc. Okay it doesn’t taste that great, but put a couple of drops in the back of your throat and call it a day. A lot of people are deficient in zinc and it is needed to your immune system.

  • Sovereign Silver Nose Spray. I use this nasal spray about once a month, but every other day if needed. Silver is a great anti-bacterial compound and aids with immunity.

  • Bone Broth. Not chicken or beef broth, but bone broth specifically. It is great for your gut and keeping you healthy. I wish I drank it daily, but it usually turns into more like once a week. I also up the amount I consume if I start to feel poorly. Read more about my current favorite bone broth and the benefits here.

  • Vejo Immune Support. Vejo has had an immunity support for a while, but this flavor / blend is new. I prefer this one because of the blueberry taste and the goodness that it includes like chia seed powdr, reishi mushroom powder, green tea, and more! All these good things in one yummy drink. You can read my Vejo review here. Use discount code LAUREN8PACK for a free 8 pack flavor of your choosing with any starter kit purchase.

Do you have anything you swear by that helps with allergies? THE MORE YOU KNOW. I used to take vitamin c supplements, but honestly I try to get it in with the food I eat these days. I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to add in a supplement though. I also know how well manuka honey helps in all aspects, whether it is scar reduction or digestion. I haven’t been able to buy it because it is so expensive, but Costco carries some and I may just have to snag some next time I’m there. Kreation is a local juice shop and restaurant near me. They have this immunity blend with oil of oregano and IT WORKS. Oil of oregano is so potent that I have yet to buy it, because it isn’t my favorite taste. Hah!

Dusting regularly also helps - I need to get better about this. We use air purifiers, but need to help them out by getting rid of the dust. We have Dyson fan / air purifier downstairs and the Okaysou purifier upstairs. Oh and while we are on the topic of colds and flus, thought I would give you my favorite hand sanitizer recommendations. I love Primally Pure Immune Boosting Hand Sanitizer (get 10% off with discount code ELLEMULENOS):, but they have a lovely lavender scent as well. I also like The Organic Bath Co. Hand Sanitizer from Follain. I haven’t tried Amass Botanicals hand sanitizer, but it looks dreamy!! I love their gin, so naturally I would think I’d like their hand sanitizer? Hah!

Stay safe and well, friend!

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