My Office Essentials | LMents of Style | Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

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My Office Essentials

My Office Essentials

BKR Water Bottle | Tazo Zen Tea | Young Living Panaway Essential Oil | Biofreeze | Sudio Regent Headphones | Phonetic Eyewear Glasses | Iphone Charger | Mug | Aleve | Tennis Ball | Backnobber

December 2017 (less than a year from now!) will mark 5 years since I graduated from college. WHAT. I can't believe it. My graduation class was 2013, but I graduated a semester early, so I entered the work force early! I graduated in December 2012, and began my first out of school job January 2013. Before that I worked for Delia's (RIP as of last year!) and interned for JC Penney summer of 2012. Since graduating, I have only wvaorked for 2 companies, the current one being the Dallas Cowboys. Seeing as I'm a millennial, I feel like it's a small number! (Nick has actually worked at the same company for the last 5 years!)

If you work in a traditional office, you're there a lot! It's basically your home away from home, whether you like it or not. Anyway, I know what it is like to be stranded without without your favorite items, so I thought I'd share some of them with you! And yeah, it is important to have your favorite pen, paper, and post it notes, buuuuut those aren't on this list. Enjoy!

1) Large Water Bottle - My personal favorite is the BKR Liter Bottle. The joke is that I only drink water, wine, and tea, which is pretty much true! I try to limit myself to tea 3x a day, sometimes 4, so other than my 1-2 cups at the office, I'm only drinking water. Water is so important for you and most people don't drink enough. If I don't work out, I technically only need 2 1/2 water bottles full of water a day, but I drink more than that. It's an easy way to track how much you are having, especially if you don't have near enough H2O!

2) Computer Glasses - Y'all. We were not meant to look at screens all day. I use 2 computer screens at work all day, post instagrams frequently, and come home and do more computer work, aka my blog!  My favorite kind of computer glasses are Phonetic Eyewear. They are slightly tented yellow and block blue light, which is what gives you headaches! If you want to read more about them, read this post! Use THANKSLAUREN10 for 10% off!

3) Mug - Y'all know I love mugs (see here), but it is def an office essential! Yes, they might have plastic cups you could use, or even office mugs, but those are wasteful or gross, or both!! Also mugs are cute, allow you to show your personality, and relatively inexpensive.

4) Caffeine - Don't get me wrong, I like Starbucks! I just don't usually have time to go get it, let alone don't have the money to buy it everyday! I keep tea packets in my desk and just use those, instead of buying it all the time. My husband actually has a chemex at work that he makes coffee in throughout the day! 

5) Fitness Tracker - I didn't feature one on my post, because I actually don't wear one much anymore; however, the one I did wear was the Jawbone. Jawbone actually just announced that they were pulling out of the wearables market, soooo I can't recommend that one. If you are just starting out at a 9-5 or are looking to get back in the game, I would suggest getting one to just make you mindful! My favorite part of the jawbone was that you could have it vibrate every 30 minutes if you hadn't gotten up from your desk/walked around. It's insane how little activity you do if you don't try. Make trips to the water fountain, bathroom, say hi to your friend...just get up and move!

6) Phone Charger - This may seem like a no brainer, but it was something I kept forgetting. I have one in my car, but it took me a while to leave one at my desk! Just do it - it is so helpful.

7) Headphones -  This is my ride or die. My day is significantly worse if I don't have my headphones. I listen to music, tv shows, and makes my day go by faster! I have a pair of small wireless ones, but people can't tell I'm wearing them and talk to me without me I got these and love them!

8) Meds- My offices does have a medicine cabinet, but it sometimes runs out and I like to have my own on hand. Biofreeze is a lifesaver for when I have a headache (I put it on the back of my neck) or if my back hurts (I roll it on my lower back).  I always keep Aleve on hand for headaches or  joint aches. I love keeping essential oils for pick me ups - panaway is one of my favorites.

9) Backnobber - I have scoliosis and with that come back problems. I love keeping a backnobber around to help massage my back out. You can also use a tennis ball (I love rolling it on my hips, but one of my co-workers uses it on her mid back!) I also sit on a workout ball, which keeps me moving and allows me to stretch out my lower back  if I need to. 

10) Quotes - It may seem silly, but I have 2 post it notes on my computer. One says "always choose joy" and the other one says 1 Peter 4:8 "Above all love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins." Just make sure you have something that motivates you and keeps you going!

So what do you think? Any "must haves" of your own? Let me know what I'm missing! If you are trying to think of other cool things to use at work, Nick has a standing desk and an anti-fatigue mat and really likes them!

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