Southern Elle Style Shop Share: Fuller's Jewelry Store | LMents of Style | Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

Hi, I’m Lauren

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Southern Elle Style Shop Share: Fuller's Jewelry Store

Southern Elle Style Shop Share: Fuller's Jewelry Store

Fuller's Jewelry Store Ring | Bellacure's Manicure (c/o) | Riffraff Jumpsuit (s/o, very similar here) | Tory Burch Brentford Sandal (s/o, similar here) | Elsa Peretti Necklace, Bracelet and Earrings

Happy Weekend! I can't believe we made it! Personally, I feel like this week dragged on. I have a fun weekend planned, but enough "not planned", that it will hopefully be you know, I have trouble in this area;) One of the things slotted for this weekend, is to sit down and bang out wedding stuff. We have most of the big stuff done, but have smaller things to decide and complete. (You can see all the vendors and companies I have booked, from my last vendor update. Scroll near the bottom of this post, for information and direct links on the decisions we have made!)

I am a list-maker and one of the bullets on the wedding to-do list, for this weekend, is to discuss wedding bands. It's going to be more of a discussion of what we want and fitting it in our budget, rather than, where we buy them from, as we know where we are going, without a doubt!

Fuller's Jewelry Store is where Nick got my engagement ring and is where we will get our bands. It's honestly a no brainer. Why?

1) They treat you like one of the family. I mean, if you have ever heard their commercial, then you know that this is actually their slogan! Nowadays, a lot of people and companies say one thing, but do another. Fuller's doesn't. They love you enough to show you the good stuff, but are honest with you about what fits your style and what doesn't. 

2) They are knowledgeable.  There's knowledgeable and there's knowledgeable. You feel me? Fuller's helps you make decisions on the best jewelry for you, not just what's the best bottom line for them. For lack of a better analogy,  they won't "car salesman" you. 

3) They won't snub you. When I went to New York as a student at Baylor, I wanted to buy something memorable.  I am obsessed with Audrey Hepburn and Breakfast at Tiffany's, so I wanted to buy a ring from the iconic 5th Avenue Tiffany's. I was ready to spend money and they absolutely ignored me, because I was 19. I've been going to Fuller's since I was younger than that and they have never done that to me. You know that scene in Pretty Woman? Don't expect that in Fuller's :)

I was first introduced to Fuller's Jewelry, by one of my mom's best friends, Kathleen. She was a long time employee there and is definitely the reason we shopped there. Want to know a fun fact? Because of her, I was actually on a Fuller's TV commercial, about 6 years ago. I may have changed, but Fuller's honestly hasn't. If you're looking for jewelry, be it engagement rings, or a 25 year wedding anniversary gift, Fuller's should be your go to!

P.S.This look was shot in Ghost Alley, near Pike Place Market, in Seattle, Washington. See other shoots from my Seattle trip at the Cutest Hotel on Lake Washington, My Seattle Travel Guide, and my Top 10 Favorite Fashion Books, in Falls City.

To learn more about Fuller's Jewelry Store, visit their Website. Keep up with them via their Blog, Facebook Page, and Twitter.

As always, if you know a brand that fits my style or are a company that would like to work with me, contact me here! If you want to catch up on the previous weeks' features, check out my Southern Elle Style Shop Share Pinterest Board here, with direct links to the posts.

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