Tips for Working Out with Short Hair | LMents of Style | Fashion & Lifestyle Blog

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Tips for Working Out with Short Hair

Tips for Working Out with Short Hair

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This may seem like a silly topic, but it was seriously an issue for me last fall when I got my hair chopped. Don’t get me wrong - it was a fun change, but I really had no clue how much harder it is to workout and not have to immediately wash your hair, once it is cut short. For reference, I hadn’t had my hair this short since I was in 5th grade and got a bob - LOL. Anddd I wasn’t doing hot yoga 5 days a week then, so working out wasn’t really an issue.

About 2 years ago, I wrote a post on How to go from Working Out to Work without Washing your Hair, so it should be no surprise that I want to work out and be able to salvage my hair. Avoiding having your ends drenched in sweat is really hard, when you can’t just throw it in a bun or a top knot. With that being said, here’s some tips for how to wear your short hair when you work out, to maintain as much dryness as possible! I’ve gone through trial and error with these, so i hope they work well for you too!


KEEPING YOUR HAIR OUT OF YOUR FACE: When you have short hair, there are 2 steps to keeping your hair sweat free. The first part is keeping your hair off of your sweaty forehead and face.

  • Side Braid: This is my favorite! It keeps the wisps out of my face and is cute for going somewhere after! I pin the braid back with 3 bobby pins to make sure it is secure. Wearing it here.

  • Bobby Pin Back: This is your traditional pull back the top, but it isn’t my favorite, because it isn’t as secure. Baby hairs end up falling in my face and they get sweaty.

  • Headband: I love a good headband, but I usually use it as a last resort, because it creates matted, sweaty hair. Don’t get me wrong - it works! It just isn’t my favorite when I’m trying to preserve my hair.

  • Hair Clip: So I can’t do this when I do yoga, but I love to use a hair clip when I’m running. It keeps my hair away from face and leaves the natural volume in tact! I haven’t tried it on super long runs, but it works for under 5 miles!

  • Top Bun: Think top knot, but only half up only! If I don’t care about washing my hair, I’ll leave it half up half down, but that’s not too often. These are some of my favorite hair ties that don’t really leave a crease: coils, stretchy, tele. silk. Wearing it here.

Braid back with low space buns


KEEPING YOUR HAIR OFF YOUR NECK: This is part 2! Sweat is also producing on your neck, so it’s important to keep your hair away, up, and back! Because your hair is so short, you can’t do all 3 in one fell swoop, hence the 2 parts needed.

  • Low Space Buns: I do these most often! I think they are kind of cute anddd they help your pig tails not soak up sweat on the ends, since they are turned up. This does sometimes cause creases, but a curling iron covers it right up! Wearing them here.

  • Rocker Pony: This is my second favorite, but I’ve only really been able to do it in the last month or two, as my hair was initially too short to do this. Wearing it here.

  • Pig Tails: Like low space buns, but more childish. I cannot take myself serious when I wear pig tails, but they work. If they aren’t super short, they might soak up sweat from your shoulders, buuut not the worst thing. To make them seem less kiddy, I will sometimes do the braid and the pig tails!

  • Hat: Duh, but had to mention it. Pinning the top part of your hair up and out of your face, then pushing the bottom half of your hair through the pony tail hole works really well. Nowwww you hair may be too short at times to do so, but mine is long enough for it right now. Wearing it here.

BONUS: When working out, use a sweat towel! It’s great for your face, but also perfect to put around your neck and sop up loose sweat. When doing crunches / other core work, I like to put it under my head and touch the towel vs touching my sweaty hands to my sweaty head/neck. I typically use one like this.

Any other tips that I missed? All about working smarter, not harder. I prefer to wash my hair 2, maybe 3 times a week, so these tips help me do so.

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